
Catalonia, Spain
Date Posted
31 Oct 2025

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PhD Project
Universitat de Girona and Social Currencies Management

XTRCoin: a 2.0 Cryptocurrency for Sustainable Development

Catalonia, Spain
31 Oct 2025

NOTE: this position listing has expired and may no longer be relevant!

Position Description

Cryptocurrencies have disrupted the paradigm of currencies, towards frictionless and private exchanges. Even that today the cryptocurrencies have raised awareness and hype, have not solved the speculation that introduces volatility in their trade with national-currencies. Merchants accepting Bitcoins and altcoins do not traded each other with bitcoins but they convert them immediately in cash.

We are in the dawn of a new generation of currencies and markets, in only 5 years from its birth in late 2008 Bitcoin has tracked millions of followers across the world. In the Silicon Valley there is a bubble of business trying to position in a future market and VC and Corporate Investors look for investing in them. A new ecosystem of startups grow as several players: miners, brokers, payment platforms, analysts, social foundations, and many more join the hype everyday. As it happened with the Golden Rush of XIX century, only the picks and shovels and other providers made the real business at the expenses of the gold miners, and things are getting ready to make it happen again. The process is speeding up, and they started talking about the 2.0 cryptocurrencies (cryptos), mostly related to crowdfunding, changing the behavior of the crowd by means of the cryptos.

In the roadmap of 2.0 cryptos, we might contribute with a currency linked to the “business mining” concept as a personal work that must be available to everybody by means of network marketing. This means that really everybody, and not only miners, might get xtrcoins if they contribute with growth, and RESminers will take a part of the xtrcoins supplied. The RESmine will behave as a mine if properly worked so that more and more biz development happens, and this is rewarded to the miners but shared with the crowd of the mine.

Xtrcoin, is a concept similar to Litecoin or bitcoin or freicoin, with a principal feature that it is dual cryptocurrency, linked to a complementary currency that mines business all over the world. Other features are to be decided.

Differently from Bitcoin (max of 21Mbitcoin), Litecoin (max of 85 MLitecoins) or other altcoins, xtrcoin has no artificial limit in the money supply but a rule that sets up the limit according to the worlds GDP and its growth.

This project will consist on researching and developing the XTRcoin cryptocurrency with the aim to define and develop the features that are more appropiate with the objectives of the currency.

How to Apply

The grant has de following requirements: - The student should have a mean mark of 6.5 in a scale from 1 to 10, of the total of credits that allows the access to the phd program. - For the acceptance of the grant it is needed to be accepted in a PhD Program To apply you should fulfill the form at: and attach by email to: , pelase with copy to You should fulfill from page 3 to page 5, at continuation there is some translations that can be useful: NOM I COGNOMS DE L’ESTUDIANT: Name and surname of the candidate Adreça de la residència habitual: home address Codi postal: Disctrict code Població: population telefon: phone adreça electrònica: email address Titulació: bachelor's degree and master Nombre de crèdits i nota mitjana de l'expedient acadèmic de grau o equivalent (escala 1 a 10): number of credits and average mark of the bachelor's degree in a scale of 1 to 10 Nombre de crèdits i nota mitjana de l'expedient acadèmic de màster (escala 1 a 10): number of credits and average mark of the master degree in a scale of 1 to 10 Idioma: languages (if you have any official title you should specify the date you obtained it) Experiència professional: Professional experience Altres dades rellevants per el projecte: Other information that you consider that it is important for the project MOTIVACIÓ I INTERÈS EN EL PROJECTE:: Motivation and interest on the project ___ The pre-registration at the PhD Program of technology of the Universitat de Girona can be done in the following link: The documents that you will need to include are specified in the following link: We encourage to start to prepare the documents as soon you are interested in the project, as many of them can require many time. For any doubts about how to apply or the proposal you can send an email to:

Position Category: Technology. Position Type: PhD Project. Position Tags: cryptocurrency and sustainable development. Salary: €20'000 - €30'000.