NOTE: this position listing has expired and may no longer be relevant!
PhD Studentship
The Focus Area ACBN of the University of Salzburg invites application for a fully
funded PhD studentship. ACBN aims to attract and select high-calibre graduate
students from all over the world, provide an intellectually stimulating
environment, excellent infrastructure and ambitious scientific projects. Young
scientists will be trained to the highest international standards preparing them
for a successful career in basic as well as translational and applied science.
ACBN offers an attractive salary for a period of 4 years (including health,
occupational and national insurance), coverage of research consumables,
specific technological training courses, transferrable/soft skill courses, funding
of participation in congresses, workshops and international courses.
Thesis project: Development of a modular, multifunctional nanoparticlebased
platform for vaccination and immunomodulation.
ACBN is an interdisciplinary consortium comprising experts in materials and
protein chemistry/analysis as well as immunologists in the fields of allergy and
cancer. Joining the different expertises enables ACBN to develop innovative
next-generation nano therapeutics or theranostics.
The aims of the thesis project include the synthesis of biocompatible and
biodegradable nanoparticles as a modular platform composed of
interchangeable biocompatible and active functionalities, their
physicochemical characterization, as well as their biocompatibility,
biodistribution and toxicity. Selected nanoparticle formulations will be tested
as vaccine candidates in mouse models.
Download a detailed description of the thesis project with the link: