Over the past years, Vienna has developed into one of the leading centres of population genetics. The Vienna Graduate School of Population Genetics has been founded to provide a training opportunity for PhD students to build on this excellent on-site expertise.
We invite applications from highly motivated and outstanding students with a love for evolutionary research and a background in one of the following disciplines: evolutionary genetics, functional genetics, theoretical or experimental population genetics, bioinformatics, mathematics, statistics.
Topics include:
• The role of deleterious mutations for adaptation and maintenance of variation.
• Long-term adaptation of local Drosophila populations.
• Inference of selection signatures from time-series data.
• Making sense of whole-genome polymorphism data.
• Studying the genotype-phenotype map.
• Stabilising selection during polygenic adaptation.
• Evolution of regulatory networks.
PhD students will receive a monthly salary based on currently € 2.464,80 before tax according to the regulations of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF).
All information about the about available topics, the training program and the application procedure can be found at www.popgen-vienna.at