
Date Posted
18 Sep 2025

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PhD Project
Jozef Stefan Institute

PhD position on the Cost-efficient separation of tritium from the water with bio-based systems

18 Sep 2025

NOTE: this position listing has expired and may no longer be relevant!

Position Description

Open position for a Ph.D. student fellowship Program

The Department of Environmental Sciences at the Jožef Stefan Institute is seeking for an outstanding, highly motivated candidate interested in pursuing Ph.D. research in the framework of the BIOTRISEP project on the Cost-efficient separation of tritium from the water with bio-based systems. The student will be tasked to conduct highly innovative research to utilize different bio-based systems for enrichment and separation of tritium from water.

The candidate should have completed MSc in biology, microbiology, chemistry, chemical engineering, environmental sciences, or equivalent field.

The candidate will be enrolled at the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School on the study program of Ecotechnology.

The candidates should submit their CV, degree certificates, and motivation letter in a single PDF file to Dr. Marko Štrok (

The position is opened until filled or until 30.9.2020, which is the deadline for enrolment into the Ph.D. programme.

Interested candidates can approach for further information and inquiries to

How to Apply

The candidates should submit their CV, degree certificates, and motivation letter in a single PDF file to Dr. Marko Štrok (

Position Category: Chemical Sciences. Position Type: PhD Project. Salary: €10'000 - €20'000.