
Date Posted
6 May 2025

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PhD Program
A-WEAR H2020 project (Brno University of Technology)

PhD graduation position / Early Stage Researcher (ESR) within A-WEAR European Joint Doctorate network, Czech Republic – Spain

6 May 2025

NOTE: this position listing has expired and may no longer be relevant!

Position Description

A-WEAR is an international, multidisciplinary and multi-sectorial training network and joint doctorate programme on wearable computing. A-WEAR is funded by the European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska Curie grant agreement No. 813278.

We are looking for a motivated Early Stage Researcher with passion for engineering to work on the following project. Please read the description carefully before applying.

Topic: Privacy-enhancing technologies and privacy-enhancing cryptography for wearables.

Employer: Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic. Joint PhD degree with Universitat Jaume I, Spain

Project tasks and objectives: Design and evaluate novel cryptographic technologies for the protection of privacy and digital identity of electronic users, in particular those providing attribute-based authentication in electronic systems; Ensure the user authenticity in dynamic wireless wearable architectures; Find solutions to solve the inefficient revocation of invalid users, the missing identification of malicious users and low performance on constrained devices, such as wearables; Test and benchmark the developed algorithms on existing wearable hardware devices, such as personal tags, smart watch, smart cards. The ESR will also have the possibility to participate in the Advisory Board of the network (two ESRs are selected annually by voting among the 15 ESRs of the network). The ESR will also be involved in social media promotion of the network, such as Webropol surveys, Facebook and LinkedIn groups, Youtube video channels, Twitter and blogging.

Mobility/cross-country and cross-sector secondments including industrial training: 12 cumulated months at Universitat Jaume I, Spain and 2 months of industrial experience at Netcope technologies, Czech Republic

Preferred starting date – September 2019

Trial period – 6 months

Target degree – joint PhD degree from Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic and Universitat Jaume I, Spain

How to Apply

Position Category: Technology. Position Type: PhD Program. Salary: €20'000 - €30'000.