
Date Posted
4 Sep 2025

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PhD Project
Technical University of Munich

Marie-Curie Early-Stage Researcher PhD position in theoretical paritcle physics at Technical University of Munich (TUM)

4 Sep 2025

NOTE: this position listing has expired and may no longer be relevant!

Position Description

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is a beneficiary partner of a Marie Skłodowska Curie European Action Innovative Training Network (MSCA ITN) titled “Advanced Multivariate Analysis for New Physics Searches at the Large Hadron Collider” (AMVA4NewPhysics). The network is led by the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics research (INFN) and includes 16 other institutions, universities and industrial partners across Europe and the US.

TUM is currently offering one three-year Early Stage Researcher (ESR) position for the network. While working towards a Ph.D. in theoretical particle physics, the ESR will be involved in searches for New Physics and their implications for physics beyond the Standard Model. The main goal for the ESR will be the application of these tools for searches for new physics manifesting itself in new particles (e.g. supersymmetric partners of the Standard Model) or non-Standard Model Higgs signals. A particular emphasis will be given to the reinterpretation of advanced searches within a public recasting framework.

We strongly encourage the application by female students and researchers as AMVA4NewPhysics applies affirmative-action measures for gender equality in the recruitment process.

AMVA4NewPhysics foresees a very rich training programme for the ESR, including participation in several international doctoral schools, workshops, and conferences. The TUM ESR will have two visiting periods to two institutions belonging to the Network (UCL Louvain and CERN), and a three-month secondment at a partner with expertise in applications of Machine Learning tools.

Eligibility criteria, applications, and selection process

If you are an enthusiastic and talented student or young professional thinking of doing a doctorate you could be a good candidate. You will be offered a TUM employment contract for 3 years whilst working towards your PhD in theoretical particle physics. Marie Curie positions offer a very competitive salary and benefits.
At the time of recruitment

applicants must have acquired an at least four years full-time university education degree.  
applicants must have maximum of four years of full-time research experience after obtaining the degree which formally allowed them to embark on a doctorate in the country where the degree was obtained or in the host country.
applicants cannot be PhD holders
applicants cannot have been in Germany for more than 12 months between 30/09/2014 and 30/09/2016.
proficiency in English is required; training in other languages can be provided through the ITN’s training budget.

Further information and contact

Applicants should follow the #AMVA4NP twitter hashtag and the network web site for further announcements and notices.
For clarifications please contact Andreas Weiler (

How to Apply

Applications must be send to and contain: - a Curriculum Vitae - a list of publications - at least two letters of recommendation to give as broad as possible overview of the academic and/or professional achievements   The ESR will be selected on the basis of: recommendation letters; topic, content, and score of evaluation of the degree thesis; curriculum of studies and research; publications (if any); interview (to be defined after pre-selection). Deadline and timeline Although the position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found, interested persons are encouraged to apply before 21st September 2016. A selection committee will evaluate applications and make a pre-selection of the most promising candidates, who will be contacted to arrange for an interview, held by videoconference. Candidates will be notified of their ranking the day after the end of all scheduled interviews. The best scoring candidate available to accept the position will be chosen.

Position Category: Mathematical & Physical Sciences. Position Type: PhD Project. Salary: €40'000 - €50'000.