
Date Posted
14 Oct 2024

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PhD Project
International Max Planck Research School for Quantitative Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution from lab to field (IMPRS-QBEE)

Ecology of Animal Societies

14 Oct 2024

Position Description

Prof. Meg Crofoot (University of Konstanz, MPI-AB),
Dr. Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin (MPI-AB, University of Konstanz),
Dr. Brendan Barrett (University of Konstanz, MPI-AB),
Dr. Roi Harel (MPI-AB, University of Konstanz)

Starting date: flexible (June to October of 2025)

Keywords: Animal societies, social structure, behavioral variation, modeling, quantitative analysis

We are seeking PhD students to join the Department for the Ecology of Animal Societies at the Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior and the University of Konstanz. The department focuses on investigating how animal societies emerge and function by integrating behavioral field biology and modern tracking technologies with quantitative and computational approaches. Our research draws insights from diverse scientific disciplines – including the biological, physical, and social sciences – to tackle broad questions about social systems and collective behaviors.

Students will develop a research project focused on the ecology of animal societies using data-driven and/or theory-based approaches. The position is fully funded for 4 years, and open to students of any nationality.

Background. In social animals from protists to primates, success often depends not on the characteristics of individual organisms, but instead on what happens when groups of organisms come together and interact. How do such collective behaviors and traits arise? When and why do they vary across populations and between species? These questions are key to understanding how animal societies emerge and function.

Project Details. Students, in collaboration with department scientists, will develop research projects focused on understanding within- and/or between-species variation in social behavior or social structure. Projects may build on empirical study systems that are the focus of current departmental research or can expand our research in new directions. We are particularly interested in students with a background in quantitative data analysis or theory who are interested in applying these skills to tackle general questions about social variation and the functioning of animal societies. Start date is flexible and will be between June and October of 2025.

Supervision and Research Community. The student will join the International Max Planck Research School for Quantitative Behavior, Ecology and Evolution (IMPRS-QBEE), a cooperative doctoral program between the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and the University of Konstanz, and will be co-supervised by Prof. Meg Crofoot (, University of Konstanz, MPI-AB), Dr. Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin (, MPI-AB, University of Konstanz), Dr. Brendan Barrett (, University of Konstanz, MPI-AB), Dr. Roi Harel (, MPI-AB, University of Konstanz) and/or other department scientists or collaborators. The University of Konstanz and the Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior together form a thriving research community representing a global hotspot for collective behavior and animal movement research.

Qualifications. This call is open to candidates from all academic backgrounds who can articulate how their background and training prepare them to conduct their proposed research project. Ideal candidates should have a positive attitude, enthusiasm for learning, and demonstrated ability to engage in independent research. A collaborative spirit and the ability to work as part of a team are essential. A Masters degree in ecology, anthropology, computer science, physics or other relevant subject is desirable, but is not required to apply. Applicants who have not completed a Masters will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Doctoral Committee and might be requested to complete additional course-work. The working language of the group is English, and German language skills are not a requirement.

Location. Konstanz is a small but vibrant city located on the border between Germany and Switzerland, on the shores of the Bodensee (Lake Constance). It is easy to get out into the beautiful German and Swiss countryside and the Alps, as well as to neighboring Zurich and Munich.

Application Process. Applicants should apply via the IMPRS application system (, due Nov 24th, 2024), and are also required to include a CV and a research statement (see below for details).

Research Statement Instructions. Applicants should include a research statement that addresses the following points:
1. Describe the research project you would like to conduct for your dissertation and explain how it relates to the focus of research in the department (1 page)
2. Describe your academic background and research experience and how they relate to your proposed project (1/2 a page)
3. Explain why you want to pursue a Ph.D. and what you hope to gain through the process (including specific skills, experiences, perspectives—1/2 a page)

How to Apply

To apply (video: to one of our open doctoral positions (, please follow this link ( to the IMPRS application system. Applications via e-mail will not be considered! We recommend that you ask your two referees personally before adding their information to the application portal, if they are willing and have the time to evaluate your academic skills, before the given deadline, then we recommend adding their information on Tab 5 as soon as possible, before you complete your own details. Keep in mind, that your referees time is also precious! If you do not plan to complete the application, please do not ask for their support unnecessarily. YOU just might need it for real one day. Note: You cannot change your referees once you have sent the invite! Please be aware that your application will only be considered if the two recommendation letters reached us in time! You will receive a confirmation email as soon as we receive your two recommendation letters, as soon as you have submitted your application and finally once your application is complete.

Position Category: Medical & Biological Sciences. Position Type: PhD Project.