
Date Posted
21 Feb 2024

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PhD Project
UKJ – Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

1 PhD position in Neurobiology / Imaging

21 Feb 2024

NOTE: this position listing has expired and may no longer be relevant!

Position Description

1 PhD position in Neurobiology / Imaging in internationally known and successful labs – –

Prof. Britta Qualmann, Inst. of Biochem. I, UKJ – Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
& Prof. Christian Geis, Section of Translat. Neuroimmunol., Dept. Neurol., UKJ, Germany – –

We seek for a productive addition to our research team in a collaborative project. We plan to study pathomechanisms of synaptic changes underlying autoimmune disorders of the central nervous system applying super-resolution microscopy.
The Geis lab examines immune-mediated changes of synapses by interactions with pathogenic human antibodies against neuronal proteins. Short- and long-term effects on neuronal networks are analyzed using electrophysiological and various microscopy methods.
The Qualmann lab is an internationally well-known lab that focusses on proteins with the power to shape the dendritic arbor of neurons, which is important for network formation and synaptic plasticity, as well as on molecular mechanisms used by such proteins (direct membrane shaping; force generation by local actin nucleation).
The project combines the expertise of both labs and thus offers excellent opportunitie to work on a hot field of cell/neurobiology with broad and state-of-the-art methods and equipment.
For related former PhD projects in our labs e.g. see Koch et al. 2011 EMBO J; Schneider et al. 2014 J Cell Biol; Hou et al., 2015 PLoS Biology; Grünewald et al. 2017 Elife; Haselmann et al. 2018 Neuron; Petit-Pedrol, Sell et al. 2018 Brain; Wolf et al. 2019 Nat Cell Biol.
Applicants should have solid theoretical and practical knowledge of and interests in cell/neurobiology and in fluorescence microscopy as well as in quantitative image analyses.
Candidates need to be distinguished by high motivation to succeed in science and by being kind, efficient and reliable team-players.
Fluent English is a prerequisite.
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Position: 50% TV‐L E13 (i.e. 50% of postdoc salary 1st year; then 65%). 3 years.
Start at earliest convenience.
Further information:
Applications to (PDFs preferred)
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The FSU Jena is an equal opportunity employer promoting the advance of women in science.

How to Apply

Applications to (PDFs preferred) The FSU Jena is an equal opportunity employer promoting the advance of women in science.

Position Category: Medical & Biological Sciences. Position Type: PhD Project. Salary: €10'000 - €20'000.