
Shenzhen Shi
Guangdong Sheng, China
Date Posted
28 Jul 2025

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PhD Various
Shenzhen University

Postdoc Positions in Nanomaterials and Eletrocatalysis

Shenzhen Shi
Guangdong Sheng, China
28 Jul 2025

NOTE: this position listing has expired and may no longer be relevant!

Position Description

Shenzhen University (SZU) was founded in 1983 at the city of Shenzhen, a dynamic business, financial and technological innovation center in southern China. Under the generous founding by the Local government, SZU has experienced rapid growth and expansion over the past three decades and now equipped with world-class research facilities.

Two full-time postdoc positions are available at the College of Materials Science and Engineering at SZU, with a fixed term of 2 years. The position holders are responsible for developing high-performance catalytic nanomaterials for electrochemical/photoelectrochemical energy conversion in topics such as water splitting, CO2 reduction and Nitrogen fixing. The applicants should have received a PhD within the past 2 years and be physically capable for the position. The successful candidates should have excellent skills in nanomaterials synthesis and characterization. Good knowledge on electrochemistry/electrocatalysis is a plus.

The postdoc’s basic annual salary is 270,000 RMB before taxes (equivalent to 31,503 Euros, approximately) with generous bonuses depending on good research performances. Preferential rent accommodation will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis, subject to the availability of housing resources.

How to Apply

Required Documents: 1. Cover letter explaining your research interest and your suitability for the position; 2. Curriculum Vitae, including education background, research experiences and a list of publications; 3. Certification of a PhD degree; 4. Contact details of at two referees. All documents should be provided in English formated as PDFs. Applications should be sent to Dr. FANG by email via More information can be found at:

Position Category: Chemical Sciences. Position Type: PhD Various. Salary: €30'000 - €40'000.