
Date Posted
22 Jan 2024

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PhD Project
University of Insubria

Two PHD positions in Security, Privacy and TRust

22 Jan 2024

NOTE: this position listing has expired and may no longer be relevant!

Position Description

The STRICT SociaLab, Department of Theoretical and Applied Science, University of Insubria (Italy) announces the availability of 2 Marie-Curie Ph.D. Fellowship Position for Early-stage researchers in the field of CYBERSECURITY AND PRIVACY.

The positions are for three (3) years, starting as early as possible but at the latest December 2019. The positions are funded by the European Commission under the Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) program RAIS, which focuses on the design of decentralized, scalable and secure collective awareness platforms for real-time data analytics and machine learning, which preserve end-user privacy and information ownership. The RAIS consortium aspires to establish a fertile multidisciplinary research and innovation community with strong entrepreneurial culture that will advance wearable sport-sensing and quantified-self devices and accompanying middleware. Check for more information.

The main objective of the RAIS Initial Training Network is to provide world class training for a next generation of researchers, data scientists, and Web engineers, emphasizing on a strong combination of advanced understanding in both theoretical and experimental approaches, methodologies and tools that are required to develop Decentralized Platforms for Real-Time Data Analytics.

For more information please contact prof. Elena Ferrari (elena dot ferrari at uninsubria dot it) —

How to Apply

Check and for more information

Position Category: Technology. Position Type: PhD Project. Position Tags: privacy, iot, blockchain, and cybersecurity. Salary: €30'000 - €40'000.